Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Benson and Berkowitz on the Issues Permalink

Progressive Alaska is adding a new page element along the right-hand column. It is called Issues Comparisons on Alaska Candidates. So far, I've only provided a permalink to my list from Sunday that compares Diane Benson to Etha Berkowitz, based on information available at their campaign web sites. As I notice changes at either campaign site, I'll update the content of the permalink.

As I can find the time, I'll try to do a similar comparison between Mark Begich and Ray Metcalfe, in the U.S. Senate Democratic Primary. And as candidates file for state office in our legislature, I'll try to do matchups between Democrats running against each other in the primary.

I've received several e-mails from people suggesting I make changes to Diane's positions on some issues. Those aren't my positions, nor did I write them. Benson did. I'm not working on issues for that campaign per se, right now. I'm mostly doing research on Sean Parnell, Diane's most likely opponent on August 27th.


  1. Why not invite the candidates (all of them) to send you copies of any and all questionnaires they have received from any interest group -- then publish them on your web site? As a voter, I would love to compare answers to questions posed by such groups, as they are generally more specific and revealing than general "position statements" put out by the candidates. There shouldn't be any bias, and the questionnaires from ALL groups should be published.

  2. anon @#1 - I was actually thinking of the same thing yesterday, driving back from doing some Sean Parnell research in (town name redacted by editor)...

  3. you got an editor Phil? awesome...

    - B
