Monday, April 28, 2008

A Tribute to Aaron Selbig

Over this past weekend, the unprecedented partnership between Alaska Public Radio Network's David Shurtleff, The Anchorage Press's Brendan Joel Kelley, and the Fairbanks News-Miner's Robert Dillon, in their investigation into the origins of some fake web sites and other slanderous materials directed toward AK-AL Democratic Party candidate Ethan Berkowitz, was at an impasse. Early Sunday, the final piece to the puzzle was provided by a fourth person in the partnership. KUDO's Program Director, Aaron Selbig. (See Brendan's clarification in the comments)

Yesterday afternoon, with Selbig's new information tying a key member of the Jake Metcalfe campaign to the sites, Robert Dillon and the Fairbanks News-Miner decided to run the story. Soon afterward, Aaron Selbig was called into the station, and let go, "as a cost-cutting measure."

I spoke with Aaron early this morning. He says he doesn't think that his removal had anything to do with his participation in the Jake Metcalfe campaign investigation. Later this morning, I spoke with Cary Carrigan, the guy who let Aaron go. He also denies the change at KUDO had anything to do with Selbig's part in the investigation. I advised Carrigan to provide Anchorage listeners with a full explanation of this turn of events this afternoon, when - I'm assuming - Carrigan will fill the 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. slot himself.

I told Cary that progressive radio in Anchorage and Southcentral Alaska would not be where it is today without Selbig's efforts over the past two or three years. Carrigan agrees, and says Aaron's key role in building KUDO to what it now is should not be underestimated.

Another thing that is important to note - I'm sure Carrigan is aware of this - is that KUDO's major partner has been the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. That union's chief counsel is Jake Metcalfe. Back in August and early September of 2007, Metcalfe's campaign manager was the IBEW's Communication Director, who was running Jake's campaign out of her Anchorage office. Since then, the IBEW's PAC has been a major donor to Metcalfe's campaign. No matter what Carrigan or this broadcasting consortium's IBEW partners say, it will look to many that the coincidence of Selbig's providing information to other journalists and his termination being mere hours apart will raise eyebrows.

Here's to Aaron Selbig! Alaska Progressives owe him far, far more than a tip of the hat.

Update: Brendan Joel Kelley and possibly Robert Dillon and Aaron Selbig will be talking about the Fairbanks News-Miner story and their investigation this afternoon at 2:30 on the Dan Fagan radio show.


  1. one correction - Dillon nailed down the anonymous source that was the final piece to the puzzle; Aaron was the first to blast off with the accusations against Scannell - he's talk radio, so its his prerogative; we needed that final piece of evidence that Dillon got. thanks for the radio plug, should be interesting, and watch for a statement from Aaron soon.

  2. Brendan - thanks for the clarification.

  3. I've pretty much stopped listening to KUDO radio since they canned Aaron.

    The other day I tuned in on a whim and the host, SM, was talking about Rick Rydell and Dan Fagan.


    Oh well, it's back to my Ipod.

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