Friday, April 25, 2008

My Favorite Alaska Blog

Steve Aufrecht was the first real Alaska blogger I met. He runs What Do I Know?

He has been blogging for over two years. He got into blogging the GOP Veco corruption trials because a former UAA student of his was one of the first defendants. So he went to the man's trial and wrote about it.

I did a blog of the Vic Kohring trial with Fred James. That's where I met Steve. My coverage, with Fred, of Kohring's trial was sort of a blogging experiment.

As Steve finished covering 2007's Anchorage trials, his humanity toward the defendants torqued some people, and got me to write the first real essay at my first real blog. He'd already taught me a lot about the importance of our blogging being highly credible. He's an expert on blogging ethics.

Since then, he's continued to help.

Steve is coming back soon from a winter-spring working trip to Thailand. The stories he's told about the people he's encountered, the ways Thais respond to the changes their society is undergoing, the incongruities of past and future he's observing, the exciting youth and vitality of the population - all these - are art, commentary, travelogue and journalism - combined with some great multicultural wisdom. Besides this, he does multimedia better than any other substantive Alaska blogger.

It has to be some great joke of the Gods, that Steve will probably be getting back to Alaska from Thailand during the same time the next wave of arrests has to come down here - the period between now and that "6-months before a national election unwritten rule thingie" - that occurs the first Tuesday in May. Right when Steve might want to kick back for a few days, eh?

image by Steve, during Seder, in his community, in Thailand, at an event presented by the local Chabad folks there.

1 comment:

  1. Steve is worth his weight in platinum. There is no one else like him, which is a shame.
