Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Begich's On-Line Fundraising Bulletin from the Day Before the End of the FEC Quarter

Here's a bulletin Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich was sending out to contributors yesterday, as many candidates struggled to meet self-imposed goals on the final fundraising day of the first quarter of 2008:

I know you may have received several e-mails already, but I am sending this one from my personal address book and I would like to share some information with you.

The outpouring of support has been greatly appreciated for my Exploratory Committee for the US Senate. I have been to Bethel and Fairbanks in the last two weeks and the support has been very positive. Each place has been encouraging and the desire for change with a purpose is a clear message that I am hearing. I will continue to travel to many more places over the next few weeks listening to people about their concerns, challenges and dreams for our great state.

Two weeks ago a statewide poll was done and the numbers were very positive for us. It showed this race 46% Begich and 42% Stevens. This is the third poll in the past few months that has shown me in the lead.

As of today we have almost 800 contributors and we have raised about $100,000 just on the Internet. We are in the last 24 hours before the first reporting period closes. I hope you can help push us over 800 contributors and exceed the $100,000 mark on the Internet fundraising.

Please make your contribution today.

Thanks for your help in getting me to this point. Everyday looks more and more positive.


This is a fairly phenomenal amount to be raising on the web, though Begich isn't clear about how that compares to his other contributions or over what time span the nearly $100K has come in over, but I believe the amount he's taken in over the web is the highest on record for a month or so by an Alaska candidate.

But the amount per donor, over $100, is a bit too high for this to be considered a phenomenon or grassroots response to his exploration. What he's going to be able to do, by having the exploratory committee active, is get a lot of people to donate $2,300 to the exploratory committee, and then donate again to the primary campaign. Then, if he wins that, another $2,300 for the general election.

Anyone still doubting Begich will be announcing shortly after the end of the legislative session may have to do some more thinking about this.

1 comment:

  1. Phillip,

    You have a mistake in this posting. the most a person can raise is $4600. If someone donates $4600 to Begich during the exploratory, they are done. No one can give $2300 to the Exploratory and then $2300 to a primary and then $2300 to a general. the FEC considers the exploratory a part of the whole race if a candidate does decide to run. thanks. Leslie Ridle
