Friday, March 14, 2008

Sean Parnel Ann0unces His Run Against D0n Y0ung

G0vern0r Sarah Palin's speech t0 the Alaska G0P C0nventi0n was very feisty but the Lieutenant G0vern0r's speech which f0ll0wed c0ntained a s0mewhat startling ann0uncement - "I intend 0 file t0day f0r the 0ffice 0f U.S. Representative f0r the State 0f Alaska." A l0t 0f pe0ple st00d up and cheered - including D0n Y0ung.

S0mething has happened t0 my lapt0p - the letter "0" and s0me 0ther features have st0pped w0rking. It is under warranty and I have an0ther lapt0p at h0me but I'm g0ing t0 have t0 wrap this up and take it 0ver t0 the Mac St0re.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting move on Parnell's part....

    I'm pretty sure Young stood up and cheered because now the anti-Young vote will be split between Parnell and LeDoux, which is better for Young.

    I was wondering what was up with the 0's.... Thought maybe it was some sort of code..... ;-)

    Have a good time at the convention, and don't get too soiled.
