Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Alaska Progressive Blog Roundup - March 29, 2008

One of the funniest posts of the week was a YouTube link provided at immoral minority to a video that supposedly vindicates Hillary Clinton's claim that she was under fire while visiting Bosnia while her husband was president. Hilarious! Gryphen, at immoral minority, also writes about the pleasure he got from a phone call from his 20-yo daughter, who has become politically active. I feel the same pride when my kids report about their growing political involvement.

Both ishmael melville at Kodiak Konfidential and Steve at What Do I Know? wrote about birding this week. Steve is in Thailand until May, and has been taking a lot of bird pictures there. ish asks for comments on what kind or kinds of birds he's photographed swimming in the sea near Kodiak. I say they're a mix of Red-breasted Mergansers and Barrow's Goldeneyes. ish calls himself an "accidental birder," but Steve Aufrecht is quite serious, both in Thailand, and at home in southcentral Alaska. Here's his last bird post from about a week ago.

I can't say enough about the quality and variety of Steve Aufrecht's writing from Thailand. He's keeping more abreast there of the political situation in Alaska than most of the editors at the Anchorage Daily News are. And he's also taking an amazing set of photos of daily life in the communities where he's working and visiting.

erin and hig, the trekkers journeying from Seattle the Aleutians by muscle, wind, tide and gravity, have gotten to the area around the Pebble Mine site. At Journey on the Wild Coast blog, erin posted this week about a community and school set of presentations the couple made at the Iliamna/Newhalen Elementary School.

I commented earlier in the week about subarctic mama's takedown of Rep. Mike Kelly's depiction of the role of women in domestic violence in Alaska. Hers is the best essay I've read this week in the progressive Alaskan blogosphere. Go read it!

Freshwrestler at freshwrestler's reprieve doesn't mince words in his assessment of the State of Alaska's settlement this week with big pharma over their negligent marketing of zyprexa.

Adele Stickman, a new intern working at Kevin Harun's MOA green office, has posted links to a data assessment tool called Iceberg, at the ADN Recyclable and Renewable blog, but the links don't work. I hope they fix it there at the ADN.


  1. Phillip:

    Ray Metcalfe certainly has taught us to listen. We should have been paying more attention as the story unfolded over the years.

    A couple of questions. Has Anchorage been notably corrupt? Pick a couple of towns - say Missoula or Spokane. Is Anchorage repeating a history already unfolded in other western towns? I don't mean to imply our events have been righteous in any way, only asking whether we have been notably corrupt?

    Second, is Ray asking us to vote for him because is the best candidate for the US Senate to get things done, or because he has been the best chronicler of corruption?

  2. The last two links go to the same place. (love freshwrestler by the way. glad to find a new Alaska blog.)
