Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Niche Journalism With a Vengeance

That's the term I used to describe the Voice of the Times, when they began the current version of their web page. The once-proud Anchorage Times is withering away in a kind of cyberspace, where over half their readership is probably composed of people who have been told to go read the page, so their old school Republican boss doesn't have to.

I wrote here about my feelings on the political positioning of the VOT last November. Essentially, I view the stalwarts there as living in some kind of a fantasy world. A place less dangerous than World of Warcraft, but less real, too.

Brendan Joel Kelley, who is helping resurrect the Anchorage Press, has written a choice piece on his efforts to find out who funds the VOT, now that their former publisher, Bill Allen, is about to lose all his subscriptions and go out of circulation for the rest of his life.

Kelley got not very close to an answer as to who funds the operation from an attorney named David Bundy - possibly no relation to Ted - who is listed as the VOT's agent, with this gem:

“I don’t know why I should be telling you anything, even if I knew it,” Bundy says. “Even if I did, I’m not authorized to discuss it with you.”

Not authorized to discuss what’s public record? C’mon David, there’s no reason to be a douchebag.

So Bundy seems to think he's some kind of secret agent, rather than a plain old business agent? I hope Joel keeps on this story. The ADN can't, 'cause they want to distance themselves from these clowns.

I don't. That's why the Voice of the Times is proudly listed here as a humor site.


  1. Hmmmmm.... Sounds like he's perhaps he's related to Al Bundy.

  2. Paul Jenkins and crowd has always been a hateful group. What has impressed me are their actions to force their views; not just state their views forcefully, but act to force their views on a democratic government. Therein lies the heart of the corruption. When the VOT crowd feels no hope, our democracy will have been restored.
