Monday, February 25, 2008

John Henry Browne's Response

In a stunning move, high-profile Seattle attorney John Henry Browne has filed a response to the US Department of Justice's response to his petition for a new trial for his client, former Alaska state legislator Vic Kohring. In a brief press release on the filing, Browne states:

We have information that Judge Sedwick's wife, Deborah, is a longtime sleeper agent for Al Qaeda. Her secret middle name is Hussein. This information was revealed to my client, Vic Kohring, when he was abducted by aliens while recently driving to Portland, Oregon. In light of what my client learned during his abduction, we request the trial be moved to Mars.

Just kidding, gang. But - with JHB, you never can tell.

The only real news on the DOJ response to Browne, in my book, is that the Anchorage Press managed to beat the Anchorage Daily News to this story by almost three hours.

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