Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friends of Bill - and of Hillary

This picture, taken last summer in Yalta on the Crimean peninsula, is of ex-President Bill Clinton shmoozing with Leonid Kuchma (right) and Viktor Chernomyrdin, former Russian prime minister and Moscow's ambassador to Ukraine. He was in Yalta at the behest of Ukranian sub-rosa mob boss Viktor Pichuk, who has donated generously to the Clinton foundation.

Kuchma is widely believed to have ordered the murder of Ukranian muckraker Georgy Gongadze. When Georgy's widow saw this picture, she wanted to puke.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are our past, along with George Bush I and George Bush II. We need to look toward the future now, more than ever before.

I was an Edwards supporter before he "suspended" his campaign. But, on Tuesday, I'm going to be showing this picture to people over in the Hillary pack.

I'm going to be explaining to them that Hillary Clinton has no problem with possibly using nuclear weapons against the Iranian people. I'm going to remind them that Hillary Clinton had no problem going along with W on his war plans, and still refuses to publicly state that she made a bad decision in voting to give George W Bush a carte blanche to kill over a million Iraqis for no reason, or to shred our constitution as a"quaint" "scrap of paper."

I'll be letting them know that during the entire time Hillary Clinton was on the board of directors of Wal Mart, she made NOT ONE COMMENT on the abuses of employees there trying to organize unions at Wal Mart branches, while she took in hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company.

The Clintons, like the Bushes, must be our past. Our future lies somewhere higher.


  1. While you are looking into Clintonian shenanigans in that part of the world..file the following under Clinton dealing uranium for foundation dollars.

  2. I agree with Phil! When I go the the Juneau caucus I will be in the anyone-but-Hillary corner. Period.

    We don't need 8 more years of Repugnican Lite Democrap Leadership Council corporate welfare. WE NEED LEADERSHIP, AND A CHANGE. That won't come from the Clintons.

    And I want to see Edwards on the ticket. We will need someone in the new Democratic administration speaking truth to power, nudging Obama into showing true leadership instead of safe triangulation.

  3. hiya, Harpboy!

    caucuses bring consequence(s)
    a new paradigm
    hidden in retro camo

  4. Come on now - having your picture taken with outlaws happens all the time in the political world. And anytime a foundation President can turn a consulting gig on a Uranium deal into foundation dollars that really do substantially benefit the Aids crisis - that's just good entrepreneurship. Barack Obama had his turn with Rezko dealings. Basically Barack did the same thing to buy a Chicago home that we all got angry with Lisa Murkowski over on the Kenai River property. Even so, this kind of arguing is not the direction we need go.

    I am supporting Hillary Clinton because the Clinton political machine gets things done. Her health care plan is the best, and will work best to drive costs down. Hillary has mastered the issues; her time has come. This primary is like having two good resumes and having to pick the best. Like many Democrats, I will be starting with Hillary, and will happily support Obama as necessary.

  5. polarbear,

    I agree with you about HRC's health care position being more sensible than Obama's. It's the most sensible plank on her platform, and is better than any other candidate's.

  6. Thanks, Phillip. Obama has developed a solid negotiating style based on union legal work in Chicago. He is going to be very good at picking out the key log to pull when progress on issues stalls. Finally, we are blessed with good choices.
