Thursday, January 3, 2008

Progressive Alaska's Daily Kos Ted Stevens Poll

Yesterday's post here had a poll attached regarding Sen. Ted Stevens' chances for re-election in Alaska, even if he's indicted before the 2008 election. I posted the same essay at the national political blog, DailyKos. But I framed the questions a little bit differently, realizing most readers would be from other parts of the country than Alaska.

Polls are interesting, to say the least. 2008 may be the year during which Americans get polled more than any previous year in our history. Looking at today's news from Iowa, we have more polls than caucus-goers, it seems. And the polls show any number of candidates winning both GOP and Democratic contests.

My two polls - the one here yesterday and the one at DailyKos, are no more scientific than polls of TV viewers by stations like KTUU, or by Ivan Moore, for examples. And, unlike theirs, my Kos poll had a couple layers of humor in it. Here are the results, so far:

Will Alaskans Return Ted Stevens to the U.S. Senate, Even If He's Indicted Before the November 2008 Election?

17%8 votes
14%7 votes
25%12 votes
42%20 votes

Some of the comments at the Kos post are hilarious - as usual. As I said yesterday, "It is often difficult to explain Alaska to outsiders."


  1. While some Alaskans believe Ted Stevens will be re-elected, that doesn't mean they will also vote for him.

    You could also monitor the Anchorage/Mat-Su voters vis a vis Alaskan voters.

  2. Phillip,

    All humor aside, what the f*$k do we care what some liberal Outside blogger thinks is good for Alaska? Is Kos going to care when the heat gets shut off in Tuntituliak? Hate earmarks all you want, but the delegation has delivered for Alaskans. We need a reasoned debate about what's best for Alaska without all the Outside influence. Better to focus on what issues truly resonate with Alaska voters this year than to cede ink to Outside concerns.


  3. Mr. Dillon,

    First of all, I have a lot of respect for your award-winning journalism, and for the way you handle your informative blog.

    1) The combination of the PA post and Kos post/poll was the first step in attempting to prove a set of points. As you probably know, I was disappointed that Kos's "Outside influence" was insinuated bigtime into the Alaska political process by his very misleading United 2000 poll essay. I wanted to create a venue for people to see outside opinions expressed about us from Markos Moulitsas' niche in left blogdom. I'll do it again. Had I more time, I might have crafted the essay better for the humor angle, but I'm as busy as you are.

    2. I agree 100% that we need "a reasoned debate about what's best for Alaska without all the Outside influence." I'm thoroughly engaged in that process. In a number of ways. This blog is one of them. What you do in your work does that too. Sometimes, very, very well. The candidates for 2008 I now support and will support up to election day have that in mind too.

    3. I'm not ceding ink nor electrons to anyone, as you probably know by now. And I'm seeking - very earnestly - to find out what issues DO resonate with middle class, lower economic class and disadvantaged Alaskans, and why those issues are important, for whatever reasons.

    4. This year's political atmosphere in Alaska is unique. The AK-AL House race is a prime example. Other races, both national and in-state will emerge as very important, too, as the year advances. But I think you misread this day's and yesterday's posts. Sorry it wasn't more clear.

    Keep up the good work, Sir.
