Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Getting Ready to Caucus!

(If you click on the image, it will expand and be very readable)

got the following late last night from Carolyn Covington, Chairman of the Mat-Su Democrats:

Wednesday, January 9, Mat Su Democrats will be meeting at THE MEETING HOUSE, 415 So Bailey in Palmer to do a lot of planning.

We will be working on plans for "Super Tuesday." All the districts making up the Mat Su Democrats (13-14-15-16 and Sheep Mtn and Sutton precincts of District 12) will meet at the GrandView Hotel on the Parks Hwy on February 5 to have a role in the selection of our candidate for President of the United States! In all my years as a party officer, I have not seen the level of commitment to anything like I'm seeing in the organization of these caucuses. Let's let the state know that there are Democrats in the Mat Su, and we are ALIVE AND WELL, ready to make positive and progressive change in this state. It's going to be a great evening! I hope you can be there! You can register as early as 4:15. The flyer says you MUST be there by 6 pm, but we realize commuters would be pushed, so we plan to "play it by ear."

We will also spend time working on the State Convention, which we're hosting at Raven Hall on the Fair Grounds, May 23-25. We want to make this a very special event, remembering the 50th anniversary of statehood. We NEED HELP!! All kinds of help. Call me, Pat or Jim Chesbro (376-5433) or Gil Lucero at 354-0473 to let us know what you'd like to be a part of.

It's going to be a great year for Democrats. Join the fun!!!

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