Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Can You Pull Her Hair, Mommy?"

"Not without putting on some welding gloves first, dear," was probably Gov. Palin's reply to her inquisitive daughter, who was trying to help mom deal with the intractable and - so far this session - enduring personality of Mat-Su Valley Senator Lyda Green.

The fracas over how to schedule Gov. Sarah Palin's "State of the State" message wasn't Sen. Green's shining moment, eh? And, frankly, the Governor could have handled the affair better too.

But I'm not about to comment about this cat fight I've been predicting for over two months. It isn't even that important to comment about the comments on the cat fight and the huge attention this Alaskan Kabuki has elicited from the media, the media-controlled blogs and the free blogs. Palin and Green haven't liked each other for a long time. It most likely dates back to Palin's clash with the Murkowski administration over the ethics of Randy Ruedrich on the Oil and Gas Conservation Board.

It got to the point that when Green visited Palin with a huge bag of campaign money from the slimiest reaches of GOP donors, right after Palin's GOP primary victory over then-Gov. Frank Murkowski, Palin immediately returned the money. To Green. Personally. So what did Lyda then have to do with the, uh - I assume - checks? How often has that happened to Lyda?

Last week's dustup was too hot for the MSM press to handle, so they passed it off to Sheila Toomey, who gets to use different adjectives than the "serious" reporters.

What I really want to talk about and write about is one item in the State of the State Address:

I'm appointing an Energy Coordinator, to activate a statewide Energy Plan. We'll use earnings from a $250 million “Renewable Energy Fund” for alternative projects, like hydro, wind, geothermal, and biomass. These projects cannot even flirt with snake-oil science – they will be real, doable, and economic. Alaska’s plan can lead America toward energy security and a cleaner, safer world.

If this is serious business, and the Legislature helps enable something important to go through, such a plan will bring important and positive changes to our future.

I'll be following this closely through the current legislative session.

hat tip to the ADN's David Hulen for the quote that he got from KWHL's Bob & Mark Show