Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Ear Rips off KoKon

I'm not sure whether or not the ADN has mentioned or linked to Progressive Alaska before, but two kinds of web search showed nothing. But here we are, on the web edition of today's Alaska Ear, with a screenshot of PA, showing my feature on Ishmael Melville's great photoshopping of Gov. Palin on an imaginary cover of Vogue.

Ish is slightly chagrined. And he should be. As he points out, when I did a story on this a while back, I was happy to acknowledge my source. I try to do that every chance I can. Whenever my header photo isn't by me, somebody who doesn't want a name revealed, or covered in one of the essay's links, I give the source at the bottom of the essay

But the ADN, whose hubris I just covered below, and whose picture of Pat Dougherty I credited to its source, appears they could give a shit. They sort of link to Progressive Alaska, but fail to mention my source.

Sheila probably had nothing to do with the ADN's faux pas here. My only experience with Ms. Toomey was when she wrote an article under her own name about 17 years ago about a person then in my care. It was a very unfortunate and unfair experience for my client, and I'll never forget it.

The Alaska Newsreader has been good about crediting information gleaned from blogs, including Alaska's funniest, wittiest, horniest progressive blog, Kodiak Konfidential. Maybe Alaska bloggers need to band together and have the ADN sign our version of this contract, eh?

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