Monday, December 10, 2007

Mud Angel

Lauren Padawer and her company, Alaska Glacial Mud Co., won a $40,000 grant from the Alaska Marketplace competition in October. The Cordova Times' Brandy Johnson interviewed Lauren last Thursday. Johnson's interview is very interesting, asking Padawer some excellent questions. The answers show how difficult it can be to market a new product in Alaska. But once success comes to the mud company, Lauren wants to use that to support the progressive causes in which she has faith:

Johnson: How will your business benefit the community?

Padawer: Sales tax generated from retail sales in town help to support city infrastructure. In addition, Alaska Glacial Mud Co. donates 10 percent of profits to four Cordova nonprofits that work to ensure the long-term sustainability of this impressive place we call home: Cascadia Wildlands Project, Copper River Watershed Project, Eyak Preservation Council and Prince William Sound Science Center education programs. Like any business, it takes time to pay debt from start-up costs, but eventually we hope to donate $10,000-$20,000 per year.

More about the Alaska Marketplace

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