Thursday, December 20, 2007

firedoglake does Progressive Alaska!

One of my favorite blogs is firedoglake. They were the best source of information on the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, and pioneered live courtroom blogging during the Scooter Libby trial. The hosts and commenters have come up with lots of action items and phone and e-mail swarms that have had a positive impact on U.S. Congressional legislation. I'm certain they contributed to the shelving of the telecom immunity legislation being considered earlier this week in the U.S. Senate.

Marcy Wheeler, one of Steve Aufrecht's favorite writers has recently migrated from The Next Hurrah to her own niche at firedoglake.

I wrote about turning Hugh's List of Bush Scandals into a scroll at Progressive Alaska back in early November. We unfurled it in the atrium of the Arts Building at UAA.

firedoglake commenters are now pondering how best to turn my rendition of the list, now known as Hugh's Scroll, into something more useful than what I'm doing with it right now - leaving it sit on my office desk until a brainstorm develops.

Update - Friday morning: looseheadprop's fdl story on Hugh's Scroll made digg's most popular stories for the 24-hour period since the story, uh, unfolded. First experience with digg.


  1. ET, the radio announcer katymine found wants to have Hugh on the air when the list is first introduced, do you have a contact?

    From lhp thread:

    I’m the aforementioned Phoenix progressive host that katymine referenced.
    If any of you have Hugh’s contact info I’d love to have him on air to launch the segment on Jan 2nd.

    I’m at

    thanks all

  2. eg - I don't. The only way I've contacted Hugh in the past is when he shows up at firedoglake. Sorry!
