Monday, November 26, 2007

A Challenge to KUDO or Any Other Anchorage Radio Station

Today on Anchorage's liberal/progressive KUDO radio - this is second-hand info from three sources who heard a segment I was unable to get - a fair amount of time was spent talking about Democratic Party candidates running against Don Young, and on their positions on the opening of the coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil production. It is an important issue to the future of Alaskans, and to the future of the USA and the world. It is part of the set of issues confronting our state and the world about resource development here and elsewhere.

Apparently, the KUDO host characterized one of those candidate's positions as being totally hostile to oil production in ANWR in a way that was perceived to be dismissive of the candidate's knowledge of the issue's importance to the future of Alaska. The host's and guest's comments about the candidate were remarkably uninformed.

I'm not the only person who would like to see a serious dialogue on alternative energy development in Alaska start to get legs. All three of these US House candidates have positive visions about the development of renewable energy resources in Alaska. Why bring lack of loyalty to big oil's vision for our future up now in such a way? I'm trying to figure it out.

But - since I didn't hear Shannyn's remarks -
I'll stop until I can hear her version of this. It would be really nice to see KUDO's hosts bring more people on the air who have a rational vision for developing our renewable energy resources, which are dimensions beyond ample, to the fore.

bananas in Iceland

And I believe some of the hosts know this.
I'll offer some suggestions:

1. Invite Wally on for a weekly spot.

2. Develop a programming niche about renewable resources in Alaska.

3. Interview articulate people around the world involved in how renewable energy programs work in our environment.

4. Maybe sponsor a multi-station online forum on this.

5. Start using your imaginations, instead of diddling around like an imitation of Cicily Alaska's progressive station.

banana greenhouses in Iceland

photos in Iceland by Libby Casey


  1. KUDO has podcasting now, Go look up what Shannyn said.

  2. Hey, GREAT IDEAS! I was talking to my guest about the Arctic Wildlife Refuge being like a you can't expect to be a virgin forever, but hoping who ever "taps" it knows about safety, commitment, and long term relationship. Not some frat boy and a date rape.
    I like your suggestions. I will take them to heart. As you may know, I have had Harry Crawford on many times talking about wind energy for Anchorage, and other options for Alaska. Do you think Wally would come on?
