Notice who is sitting next to Sen. Ted Stevens, whose trial begins TODAY. This youtube, by Dennis Zaki, was made back in July, before Stevens was indicted. Sarah was sucking up to him 24/7 back then.
I'm offering splitting the cost of a Homer Alaska halibut charter with whoever comes up with the best link to a photo of Sarah and Ted schmoozing.
Update: Here's the first entry:
Can we photoshop? ;)
tnc - you canphotoshop all you want, but only REAL schmooze photos can win the halibut charter.
Ted Stevens should resign and Gov. Palin should be recalled or Impeached. Cover-up on Troopergate and offering 500 Million dollars to a pipeline -up front, when Alaska does not know if the pipleine will be built.
This is all too crazy and too costly. Love your blog, everyday.
not exactly schmoozing tho might be, given the context.
this the only other one I could find. Let me know if the link doesn't work. Found it via google, not directly on the govserv... site. No info re: date, occasion.
ok, here's the permalink to above
AND, ET, you got mail!
Another image, but I couldn't link it, as it was fleeting. A goody, though.
vg - you really want to go fishing, doncha...?
ah, no! you might remember that I have mentioned to you in the past that I get really really sea sick.
I just can't resist a "google challenge". ;)
especially if I am procrastinating when I am supposed to be writing an exam!
We Obama supporters here in Paris salute you!
Posted this earlier, but it got lost? In this artile/pictures, page 8 has a picture of Ted Stenevs and Gov. Palin together. Hope you can use it here.
I spelled Stevens Wrong!
Sen. Stevens and Gov. Palin together. She meets with 9 Foreign Leaders this week. Guess she now has Foreign Experience
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