There has never been such interest in Alaska presidential caucuses before, at least that I can remember. Moving the date to Super Tuesday helped, but as I've been saying since early November, interest in ALL Alaska races by progressives is rising, as - generally speaking - the far right here is sinking, reeling and depressed.
I'm going to try to find out if registration numbers for either the Republican Party or for the Democrats here are up.
I hope people outside don't hear about Knowles' endorsement of Obama, because I'm pretty sure that's the kiss of death.
(not a Tony fan)
Nor am I. I held my nose and voted for him in November 2006, but he was not a very effective governor, IMHO. I bumped into him last Thursday as I was leaving state Dem HQ and he was going in. He looked a LOT better than the last time I saw him a week before the November 2006 election.
He's got pretty high standing among Anchorage Dems, though. The Obama Alaska campaign is pretty impressive to watch.
Minus one for Ethan,
Maybe a minus a half point.
Who are the others coming out for?
I am uncommitted to all the democratic candidates for Congress here in AK and will find it interesting to see who each supports. I do know that each one would be heads above that dinosaur we have in there now.
I think that Edwards is talking more of what needs to be said. The whole idea of "change" and bi-partisanship is recycled every 4/8 years. Clinton was change, W was change, bring us all together, blah blah blah. I then spent the whole 90's becoming a Green Party member after seeing compromise, after capitulation, after Republican butt whooping. I realize B Clinton was amazing that he could even survive with that Congress/Newt (were is newt, wasn't he toying with a run this season?) I think that the type of changes that are needed now in the world won't be achieved by the playing nice. The Republican Party ruled for the past 13 years and never played nice. They have cemented changes that my kid and the world will suffer from for the next 50+ years and they are glad to give the Democrats a term or two in the Whitehouse after they have totally f’d up the joint and then stick it to us again and harder the next time.
I can only hope that people will quit talking nice an instead talk the truth. I charge all our candidates here to do so.
I feel better now after that little rant and will vote for BHO or HRC in the general but on the feb. 5 I have to go for my gut. Which is so nice that I can get that out of the way early and don't feel the need to vote for Ralph in the general. I don't have to have my way totally but I have to be heard.
And yes Tony was a disappointment. He should have handed Lisa her head in the general back in that last election and he did appoint Ben.
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